sábado, 30 de junio de 2007

mi departamento

I could use some furniture.

In short, I'm glad I left New York City when I was 24. You may not be ready for such a big step, but if you are looking for a short jaunt to get away from the city, then check out these Weekend Travel Ideas. You can check back with this site periodically for more travel ideas.

el sepulcro de la Familia Duarte (Evita Peron)

Cementario de Recoleta


Their apples are inferior to our own in both texture and flavor.

The back wheels of the shopping carts swivel instead of staying fixed. This feature allows one to move the cart sideways, even when one has other plans—such as turning, for instance. Mothers rounding corners in the supermarket resemble racecar drivers losing traction and skidding sideways. Messy.

My apartment has a bidet. Having spent much time examining it from a safe distance, I have not dared use it. Perhaps I shall venture a ride next week, or next month. I will keep you posted. But to be honest, I am not unscared of it.

The ol' inside-out-bag-to-pick-up-the-dog-poop trick hasn't arrived to Buenos Aires yet. Or maybe it has and they're simply not interested. Either way, I have very nearly missed close acquaintance with several varieties of native product here in my own neighborhood.


One day I was walking around and found this curious unit installed beside a mysterious door.

the menu at Acabar

parked outside my apartment

Mi Vista

The bells ring in the evening.