jueves, 26 de junio de 2008

Bangkok Miscellany

The pair of hands at right boiled each piece of meat separately for us.

Braille for giants.

The Third Place café, where we spent our working hours in Bangkok.

Again, ladies and gentlemen, the inimitable Joey Rubin.

martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Final Days in Buenos Aires

Jabber jabber jabber, please take me seriously.

The calm before the storm. We've set up my despedida and are waiting for the guests.

Caught one! This is Claire Williams, founder of Hope Runs and author of some dating book, maybe.

The inimitable Joey Rubin.

Can you feel it?

When the party had progressed to a certain point, Trini began her special dance of celebration.

CentralWorld, hair champion, Chippy, gecko, All Hail King of Thailand!!

This beautiful, gigantic paper cutout hangs in a seven-story space inside the CentralWorld mall in Bangkok. The pictures don't quite do justice to the sheer size of it. The space is cylindrical, edged by a spiraling arrangement of escalators.

The next several photos feature more of the large-scale artwork in the Bangkok malls. I never thought I'd care about a mall, but CentralWorld was definitely one of my favorite places in Bangkok. The Thais really put a lot into the design of this tremendous building. I wish I'd gotten more pics of the interior architecture.

Click on this one to see a larger version (more detail).

Zack briefly considered getting a haircut from the International Creative Haircut champion . . . until we saw from the competition photos that he might end up with a few extra colors and a few more layers than he was interested in.

Glowing Acorn Heart

Instead of roaches in the apartment, we had geckos — a trade I was happy to make.

In Thailand, they *ADORE* their king. Pictured here is a huge collage of scenes from his life on the outer wall of CentralWorld. One never speaks ill of him within the hearing of Thais, one may not place posters of other things higher than one's poster of the king, and one must stand during the King's Anthem at the start of every movie showing (there's an accompanying montage!). His face is on EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF CURRENCY.

Views from Our Bangkok Apartment

martes, 3 de junio de 2008

First week in Bangkok, Thailand

Entrance to Old Bangkok. The man shown at left is the King of Thailand. They treat him like a god here. More on this topic later . . .

View of the Grand Palace from outside the wall. We didn't get in that day because we were wearing shorts — very disrespectful.

The next several shots feature the National Museum of Bangkok.

Pruning the elephant bush.

Communing with the elephant bush.

Zack and I went to a meditation lesson at a Buddhist monastery. This is my costume of peace.

Pork Parade!!

The outer crust of this pizza is made of fish sticks.