martes, 3 de junio de 2008

First week in Bangkok, Thailand

Entrance to Old Bangkok. The man shown at left is the King of Thailand. They treat him like a god here. More on this topic later . . .

View of the Grand Palace from outside the wall. We didn't get in that day because we were wearing shorts — very disrespectful.

The next several shots feature the National Museum of Bangkok.

Pruning the elephant bush.

Communing with the elephant bush.

Zack and I went to a meditation lesson at a Buddhist monastery. This is my costume of peace.

Pork Parade!!

The outer crust of this pizza is made of fish sticks.

2 comentarios:

  1. Yeah, pictures!! Keep 'em coming, and can you please air mail some fish sticks pizza!?

  2. I appreciate your appreciation for packaging.
